Collier Research HyperSizer/AIAA Structures Best Paper Award
About the Award
Collier Research Corporation and the AIAA Structures Technical Committee sponsor the Collier Research HyperSizer/AIAA Structures Best Paper Award. This best paper award recognizes a top ranking SDM conference Structures Track paper at the yearly AIAA SciTech Conference. In addition to recognition in the aerospace community, the recipient receives an Honorarium from the endowment fund established by Collier Research Corporation.
Award Recipients

Authors: Shiyao Lin and Anthony Waas
Paper Title: Experimental and Numerical Study on the Low Velocity Impact Damage of a Shear Dominated Composite Laminate

Authors: Gearóid Clancy (pictured left), Daniël Peeters, Vincenzo Oliveri, Ronan O’Higgins, David Jones, and Paul Weaver (pictured right)
Paper Title: Steering of Carbon Fiber/Thermoplastic Pre-preg Tapes using Laser-Assisted Tape Placement

Authors: Yile Hu and Prof. Erdogan Madenci (U. Arizona)
Paper Title: Peridynamic Modeling of Fatigue Damage in Notched Composite Laminates

Authors: Dianyun Zhang, Pascal Meyer, and Anthony Waas
Paper Title: Effect of Notch on the Failure Response of Oxide/Oxide Ceramic Composites

Authors: Rainer MJ Groh, Paul M Weaver
Paper Title: Mass Optimization of Variable Angle Tow, Variable Thickness Panels with Static Failure and Buckling Constraints

Authors: Stephen Clay, Vipul Ranatunga
Paper Title: Internally Reinforced Adhesively Bonded Metal to Composite Joints

Authors: K. Chauncey Wu, Bret K. Stanford, Glenn A. Hrinda, Zhuosong Wang, Robert A. Martin, and H. Alicia Kim
Paper Title: Structural Assessment of Advanced Composite Tow-Steered Shells

Authors: Rauno Cavallaro, Luciano Demasi, Andrea Passariello
Paper Title: Nonlinear Analysis of PrandtlPlane Joined Wings. Part II: Effects of Anisotropy