Features > Materials > Orthotropic Correction Factors > Lamina Correction Factors

Lamina Correction Factors

Defects and discontinuities in composite laminates cause areas of high stress concentration and reduce the load carrying capacity of the laminate. Tests have shown that a 0.25 inch diameter open hole may reduce the strength properties by more than 50 percent. For this reason, composite material strength is typically evaluated assuming a defect will degrade the material strength properties during service. This assumption creates composite designs that are less weight-optimum but more damage tolerant.

The correction factors are displayed for each lamina property on the Lamina Correction Factors form. Note the name of the material is listed in the form title. In the example below, the lamina correction factors for the "AS4/3502 Tape KMAT8%101" material are shown.

Important: Note the red text at the top of the Correction Factor form indicates the material is read-only. If the material is read-only, you will not be able to modify the correction factors. You must be the material owner to add or modify material correction factors. Save as new material to become the material owner.