Software Forms > Sizing Form > Dimensions Tab > Grid Stiffened Panel Family

Grid Stiffened Panel Family

Concept ttf t0 t90 tq tbf S0 θ h0 hq h90 S90 Sq
IsoGrid       60°    
OrthoGrid Sandwich          
AngleGrid Sandwich        

The materials for all webs (0°, 90°, angle) are restricted to be the same. HyperLaminates can be used to model different layups in each web.

The AngleGrid concept and the Isogrid concept are very similar. The only difference is that the AngleGrid allows the user to specify the angle variable on the Variables tab. If the IsoGrid concept is chosen, then the software will ignore the angle sizing variable on the Variables tab and will use an angle of 60 degrees. Assuming the ribs are all the same height and thickness, this means that the panel will have the same strength in the 0° and 90° directions, hence the name "Iso" grid.


Fillets and Lightening Holes

Several constants are available to model the additional weight of the fillets and weight reductions due to lightening holes. These constants are entered on the Options tab of the Sizing form.

Fillets are necessary at the intersection of the facesheet and stiffener webs as well as at the intersection of the stiffener webs. The top of the figure below shows the fillet at the interface of the 0° web to the facesheet. Shown in the bottom-right side of the figure is a large fillet at the intersection of the 0° and 90° webs.

Using the radius of the fillet, the volume of the fillet is found by assuming a simplified geometry, as shown below. The volume is then converted into mass using the material density.

The first figure also depicts a lightening hole at the intersection of the stiffener webs. The weight reduction from this hole is computed. The maximum diameter of the lightening hole is limited to ensure that the minimum wall thickness in the region is at least equal to the average of the t0 and t90 wall thicknesses.