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Author Topic: Can't Apply Limit and Ultimate Factors to Thermal Load Sets  (Read 40199 times)


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Can't Apply Limit and Ultimate Factors to Thermal Load Sets
« on: February 09, 2021, 05:11:09 PM »
I noticed that I can't apply a limit and ultimate factor to thermal load sets. Why is this? For combined loads, according to the NASA Requirement I need to follow, for combined loads I apply a 1.0 limit factor to mech and thermal and a 1.4 ultimate factor to mech and thermal. How can I scale the thermal loads for limit and ultimate individually? When I do load combinations I could apply a scale factor but then my limit margins would have 40% high thermal load contribution.
I've also considered applying a 1.4 Thermal Hurt factor, but that would have the same affect of applying to both limit and ultimate MS calculations. Is there a way around this?



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Re: Can't Apply Limit and Ultimate Factors to Thermal Load Sets
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2021, 12:27:57 PM »
I faced the same problem. If you add dummy (zero force) load card for thermal subcase hypersizer will assume mechanical case so you can work like mechanical case. Finally, you can size your model for limit  1*M+1*T, for ultimate 1.5*M+1.5*T