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Author Topic: Wing Analysis - Buckling of a Spar Web  (Read 24672 times)


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Wing Analysis - Buckling of a Spar Web
« on: July 30, 2009, 10:10:53 AM »
Hypersizer V5.7.x can not conduct a buckling analysis of a wing shear web. The applied loads are a combination of transverse shear and bending. The equation for buckling due to bending is defined in Bruhn equation C5.6.

This bending buckling ratio must be combined with shear buckling ratio using the interaction equation Rb^2 + Rs^2 = 1.0 Ref Bruhn equation C5.9.

In theory the bending buckling equations are easy to implement. The issue is in summing the axial loads in the spar web QUADS. Hypersizer needs to determine the applied bending moment by summing the loads in the FEM QUAD loads at a wing spar station.
David Johnson
Hitech Global Solutions Inc