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Author Topic: Exporting Material Properties from Hypersizer to a Nastran Bulk Data Deck  (Read 23022 times)


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Exporting material properties from Hypersizer to a Nastran bulk data file in theory is simple, but the user becomes a little confused with the current project setup form.


When the user imports a FEM into Hypersizer we have to define the location of the bulk data file (FEM) and the F06 file (FEM loads results). We also have several import options not described here.

When importing the user also must define the location of the Hypersizer PM1 file. Users become confused because they are defining the import process, but in some cases do not realize they are also defining the location of a Hypersizer output file used for exporting FEM properties. When the user clicks the analyze button, by default Hypersizer creates the material properties (MAT1, MAT2 and MAt8 depending on the preferences selected) for the item analyzed. For example if we click analyze assembly, the user will find all of the FEM properties for the assembly analyzed  in the output (PM1) file.

From a user perspective it would be better to have an import and export button in the project setup form. When importing the user would only define the location of the bulk data and F06 output. If an export is required the user would click the export button and define the location of the PM1 file, plus other options if required.

With this modification both the Hypersizer FEM import and export process would have clarity and transparency.

David Johnson
Hitech Global Solutions Inc