Analysis Plugins > Reference > Main Method

Main Method

void Hs_UDef(int* analysisCount, int isAnalysisActive[], AnalysisConstants analysisConstants[], TextTable* textTable, PanelBeamState* state, AnalysisResult results[]);

The Hs_UDef method is called if the component has any user defined analyses active. This method is responsible for returning margins of safety corresponding to the active analyses. Margins of safety are stored in the AnalysisResult array.


Type: int
Total count of user analyses for array sizing (10).
Type: bool
Array of flags that determines which user analysis is active. The length of the array is equal to analysisCount.
Type: AnalysisConstants
Contains any user defined constants from the Options tab. The length of the array is equal to analysisCount. See User Inputs.
Type: TextTable
(Output) Contains text values for stress report details. For example, to report the material name the material name is stored here and the array index is stored with the Detail.
Type: PanelBeamState
Contains the geometry, allowables, and loads for the panel or beam.
(Output) Stores the margins of safety and error diagnostics for each user analysis. The length of the array is equal to analysisCount.