Stress Analysis > Pressure

Pressure Analysis

When pressure acts on a flat panel, out-of-plane shear and moment loads are developed along with corresponding out-of-plane deflection as shown in the figure below. These loads and deflections vary along both the length and width of the panel. 

HyperSizer  has several analytical methods available to compute the deflection, moment, and shear due to applied pressure. The method selected depends on the assumed boundary conditions, panel aspect ratio, and the panel orthotropic bending stiffness ratio (D11/D22).

The loads due to pressure alone are superimposed on the primary input loads (Nx, Ny, Nxy, Mx, etc.). Because pressure-induced loads vary on the length and width of the panel, loads at both the midspan and edge center of the panel are considered in all failure analyses. The worst combination of superimposed pressure load (midspan or edge center) and primary load are reported as the controlling load.

Pressure analysis is activated only if the Panel Pressure check box is enabled in the Free Body tab of the Sizing form. See Superimposed Loads.

No pressure analysis is performed if the panel is curved. The assumption is that the pressure load is reacted in "hoop" tension or compression (Ny).

See the HME document for more detailed information.