Features > Materials > Deleting

Deleting Materials

The Material Cleanup option is used to display which materials can and cannot be deleted from the database. It does this by reporting the location of each material.

To view the Material Cleanup form, go to the main window and select Tools | Material Cleanup.

Important: Material Cleanup is not available unless the user has Admin privileges.

Materials that have owners and permissions assigned to them or are currently being used in another group or project cannot be modified or deleted. "P" materials are referenced as available materials for a project. "L" materials are referenced by a laminate definition. "T" materials are referenced by a design template.

Select a material as shown in the figure above and click Report. The resulting window will show where the material is referenced.

Important: Use the Report button to see exactly where the material is being referenced.

Only the HyperSizer Admin has the ability to delete materials. In order to access the Material Cleanup form you must be logged in as a HyperSizer Administrator. This eliminates the possibility of a user deleting another user’s materials.