Copy Component Data to Assembly, Display Set or Project

The main data entities in HyperSizer are assemblies and components. See Assembly vs. Component Data.

How to copy all dimensions and materials to an entire assembly, display set or project

By default, the dimensions and materials are only applied to the individual component. Use the "Copy" feature to apply all the materials and dimensions to all components in the assembly.

How to apply a single value to an entire assembly, display set or project

  1. Right-click on any field in the Sizing form.
  2. Select Apply value to all

Depending on the specific option you selected, the value with be applied to all the components within the collection.

The figure below shows an ultimate factor being applied to all components in a specified display set.

The next figure shows the selection of the display set.

A similar shortcut exists to apply analysis selections in the Failure tab. See Failure Tab.