Software Forms > FEM Viewer > Quick Reference > Coordinate System

Coordinate System

The Coordinate System drop-down menu allows the user to choose which coordinate systems to display on the FEM.

The Coordinate System drop-down menu also contains options that allow the user to change the active Local Coordinate System (e) as well as create or change a Local Coordinate System (f) by manually entering coordinates or choosing grids from the FEM.

The user may select Create or Change Local Coordinate Systems from the Coordinate System menu to launch the Coordinate Systems form.

On this form, the user is prompted to enter the Coordinate System Origin (g), the Point along the positive Z axis (+Z) (h), and the point which Defines a vector which, with the z-axis, defines the X-Z plane (i) to define a Local Coordinate System. The user may either enter these points manually or click Pick Grid which will launch the Grid Pick form used to select the edge membership.