Advanced Settings

Sequence or Blending Using

Ply Material ID (Default), sequences the global ply stack assuming each global ply can only consist of a single material. If two adjacent laminates have plies with different material names, HyperSizer cannot sequence them when determining the global ply stack.

Fabrication Process ID, instead of using the material name to determine if the ply materials are the same, HyperSizer will use the Fabrication Process ID, which is stored as a material property in the Orthotropic Material Form. This is useful if you want the sequencing algorithm to treat two materials as the same ply during global ply sequencing but you want to use unique material names and properties during the analysis.

Components Per Annex

Number of components to include in the annexation. The smaller the number, the faster the solution is. Best practice = 2. A larger number may improve results.

Tip: How to make sequencing run faster: In order of priority use smaller numbers for (Components Per Annex).

Sequenced Designs

Number of possible DL solutions per annexed area to store in memory while growing the annexed area. The smaller the number, the faster the solution is. Best practice = 50. A larger number will improve results.