Failure Analysis > Stiffened Panels and Beams > Local Buckling

Local Buckling

AID Analysis Name
040 Local Buckling, Biaxial
042 Local Buckling, Shear
043 Local Buckling, Biaxial w/ Shear Interaction
044 Local Buckling, Spacing Span/Skin, Biaxial
045 Local Buckling, Spacing Span/Skin, Shear
046 Local Buckling, Spacing Span/Skin, Biaxial w/ Shear Interaction

Local buckling is defined as a buckling mode where the intersecting edges of the cross-section do not deform. The figure below shows the local skin buckling of a hat stiffened panel. By default, local buckling is treated as a failure. However in many cases, postbuckling of the skin is permitted at a certain fraction of ultimate load.

Local buckling margins are computed on an object-by-object basis. That is, web local buckling is computed in isolation from skin local buckling by treating each object as a simply supported plate or shell. Biaxial and shear loads are treated separately and combined using an interaction equation if desired. See Margin of Safety Interaction Equations.

See the HME document for more detailed information.