1. The database is the basic file storage system in HyperSizer. It holds multiple workspaces (and FEM based projects) along with all material properties. When you press the Save button, the state of your workspace, all settings, material properties, etc. are saved into the database. The database is fully relational. That means that when you save a material, that material is protected. If a material is used by multiple workspaces, then when you make a change to that material, those changes will be trickled to all workspaces that use that material. Also, if a material is being used by a workspace, you will not be allowed to delete that material.
A workspace is a set of groups and components that you can use for analysis and sizing. You can have multiple workspaces in your database and each workspace can serve a different function. You could have workspaces set up for different programs that you are working on for example. Or if you have a workspace set up in a state that you wante to save, you can copy the workspace and then don't change the original but start changing the copy to investigate different things.
* UM Basic 6.1