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Author Topic: Load Set Factors vs Component Load Factors  (Read 39880 times)


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Load Set Factors vs Component Load Factors
« on: December 04, 2020, 03:17:33 AM »
I am working on a FEA project, and the model I input had load cases defined in limit load space. On the 'load sets tab' of the project setup form, I have a ultimate factor of 1.5 defined. If I also add a 1.5 mechanical ultimate factor to the 'FEA Loads' tab of the project sizing form, would that be effectively double-dipping on the 1.5 FoS?


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Re: Load Set Factors vs Component Load Factors
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2020, 08:41:08 AM »
Hi Dana,

Yes, the component-based load factors are multiplicative with the load set load factors. So a 1.5 ultimate factor on a load set, combined with a 1.5 ultimate factor on a specific component, will result in a total of 2.25 ultimate factor for this component.

In general we recommend not using the component-based load factors unless there is a specific circumstance that would require you to assess different factors on a given component.
