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Author Topic: Abaqus Import Error  (Read 46021 times)


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Abaqus Import Error
« on: August 08, 2019, 12:14:22 PM »
I am trying to import an abaqus model with a few different load cases, but every time I try I keep getting this error:

System.InvalidOperationException: Abaqus load case names are out of sync. Frame=2 StepLoadCaseName=GUST-1GFrameLoadCaseName=SIDEGUST1G
   at HS.FeaImport.AbaqusOdbForceImporter.Import()
   at HS.FeaImport.ForceImporter.Import()
   at HS.FeaImport.FeaImportProgram.<>c.<Main>b__0_0(ForceImporterInput input, Action`2 statusUpdate)
   at HsCommon.ProcessMonitor.MonitorService.RunWorkerFunction[TIn](Action`2 runTask, Func`2 parseCommandLine, String[] args)

I have tried renaming the load cases, as well as turning off all load cases except one, and I still get the same error. If I click OK I can move on and select my components in my model, as well as do a detailed sizing, but the error pops up again even if I use User Loads rather than FEA loads. Do you know how I can fix this error? Thanks for your help!


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Re: Abaqus Import Error
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2019, 02:24:18 PM »
Hi Alana,

It looks like this error occurs when the results (ODB) have different loadcases or number of frames in the input file. Is it feasible to re-run the FEM in its current state, and create a new project referencing the FEM and the new results file?

If that still produces the error, we may need to investigate further.



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Re: Abaqus Import Error
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2019, 08:25:32 AM »
I have rerun the deck a few times with different load case names and it's still giving the same error. It is showing appropriate results in Abaqus viewer and all of my entered load cases are showing in the output deck results, so I'm not sure what else I can try. I didn't change the frames at all, so I would imagine the defaults should be fine and wouldn't cause an issue.



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Re: Abaqus Import Error
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2019, 03:34:47 PM »

I am reaching out via email to get more information.



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Re: Abaqus Import Error
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2019, 07:50:49 AM »
This error message was due to a bug with the sorting of Abaqus load cases. The temporary workaround is to re-organize the load cases in the Abaqus input file into alphabetical order and re-running the FEM before import.