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Author Topic: Linking ConceptVariable Within a Group Through COM  (Read 23123 times)


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Linking ConceptVariable Within a Group Through COM
« on: April 02, 2018, 02:25:01 PM »
Is there a way to set up variable links for a specific concept within a group through the python scripting interface? There was a similar question in the forum regarding linking design variables across components of an assembly, but it didn't address the cross-sectional variables within a given component.

For example, I have a Z-Fastened concept that I want to link the top and bottom flange thicknesses to the web thickness. In the GUI Sizing Form, the option exists to right click on the variable for "Cross-sectional linking options" and we can select "Link stiffener flange and web thickness." I can't seem to find a workaround in the python API to do this in a programmatic way.

Using version 7.2.22 - could this option be exposed in later versions of HyperSizer?


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Re: Linking ConceptVariable Within a Group Through COM
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2018, 08:56:15 AM »
"Cross-sectional linking options" are not accessible through the API. Another route would be to specify this setting as a database default. Then the option will be active any time you create a new assembly.