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Author Topic: Can you set default units for databases and default failure criteria in HS?  (Read 28675 times)

HyperSizer Moderator

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    • HyperSizer Structural Sizing Software
Questions submitted by user via email:

I believe that it is possible to set default units for databases and default failure criteria. I have not set default units for my database, but SI seems to have been assumed. Could I change it if I needed to? Also, how do I set failure criteria at database level?


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    • HyperSizer Structural Sizing Software
Most of the features of HyperSizer now include the ability to apply a setting to every component in a group/assembly/project or to apply a setting as a database default.  In most cases, you right click to see how to do this.  On the Failure tab, you get the failure modes the way you want them, and then click the button that says “Analysis Options”.  Then “Set as Database Defaults…”

Be aware that this setting of the default only applies to  what is actively shown in the failure tab as you are looking at it.


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  • Posts: 88
The user  can set up the default analysis options in the Hypersizer template. To determine your template location click on preferences/ options. The Hypersizer default is

C:\Program Files\HyperSizer\Database\Database Template

Most companies will have this file located on a server (shared disk drive) and in general one person in the group should control this file because the allowables and default settings are included in this file for ALL users. When creating a new database this template is used to create consistent allowable properties, available laminates and lay-ups and set the default analysis options (Failure TAB). Admin rights are required to edit this read only file.

Open the template file and click on preferences /analysis defaults in the Hypersizer main menu. The analysis settings are now evident. The ADMIN person now controls the default analysis options and load factors for all new Hypersizer databases. Note the level function is not operative at Hypersizer revision V5.6.38.

Warning: The file name is very important, do not change the file name. This is a separate topic.

Be a ware that these settings are used for all active families and concepts and will not be appropriate in all cases. These settings are a good starting point, but the user needs to set up the analysis defaults for each active family and concept.

This is done by opening a dummy workspace, setting up the analysis defaults in the failure TAB for all concepts used within the organization and then saving the defaults (A tedious task but worthwhile to provide consistent analysis). The workspace in the template can be deleted, and the analysis settings remain in the template. For further information on the topic contact support.