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Author Topic: Linking Port and Starboard Panels  (Read 20478 times)


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Linking Port and Starboard Panels
« on: July 30, 2015, 03:20:36 AM »

I have a list of port and starboard panels that should be linked in the optimisation. Is there a way that I can link panels using VBA?
Also, if I have a list of required stiffness criteria for each panel, ABD matrices, is there a way using VBA to input this information?



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Re: Linking Port and Starboard Panels
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2015, 08:03:02 AM »
Hi Ruben,

The port and starboard linking is handled using a "linking group". Linking groups can be created using our spreadsheet utilities. The VBA code is present in this utilities spreadsheet. The required stiffnesses can also be set using the utilities spreadsheet on the "Set Variables" tab.

Have a look at the VBA code in the utility spreadsheet.
