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Author Topic: About Wind turbine blade(for example: 38m) Opt and analysis  (Read 34854 times)


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About Wind turbine blade(for example: 38m) Opt and analysis
« on: February 13, 2015, 01:43:33 AM »
Dear Everyone,

For MW-class wind turbine blade, the main structure includes the pressure shell, Suction shell, Shearweb, and spar caps?
For example?

the globe coordinates:
the buckling span(x) can be calculated according to the boundary supports.
how to define "Component Span(y)" along to the globe Z axis?  what are the main reasons??
if the span is not correct, the buckling result may be wrong.
we cant create components with any elements.


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Re: About Wind turbine blade(for example: 38m) Opt and analysis
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2015, 10:02:21 AM »
The buckling spans for the wind blade use case are not as clear cut as other aerospace structures, like wings and fuselages. We usually set the Y buckling span first based on the distance between the shear webs. Then the X buckling span can be set to 5*(y span). This is an approximation that has worked well for preventing global buckling.

HyperSizer v7.1 has an improved method for tracking global buckling mode shapes. When running HyperFEA it will actually import the buckling eigenvalues and mode shapes, then apply stiffness to the areas that are buckling. The algorithm uses the grid deflection and rotation to determine the areas that are buckling. It works quite well for this particular use case.
