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Author Topic: Problems with sandwichpanel definition and more than one material in the faces  (Read 41399 times)


  • Client
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  • Posts: 5

i have a problem similar to a previous topic:,340.0.html
I want to optimize a sandwichpanel with different fabric materials in the top- and bottom faces. I have a Uniaxial fabric with 95% 0° and 5% 90° of tape material 1, a biaxial fabric with only +-45° angles of material 2 and a triax-fabric with 30% 0°, and 70% +-45° of material 2.

It seemed to be possible (but not optimal) that only a combination of uniaxial and either biaxial or triaxial is necessary. The idea is to create materials for uni- ,bi- and triaxial and create effective laminates with a combination of tape (uniaxial) and fabric (bi- or triaxial). To ensure the correct material orientation, only 0° orientations are allowed in the "Generate Effective Laminates" tab.
The problem is, that the resulting percentages are not comprehensible.

If i look in the created effective material, i can see that on the "Effective Laminate" tab the correct distribution, e.g. 10% uniaxial and 90% triaxial with a 0° orientation is given. The name of this EL is "(60% 0, 0% 45, 41% 90) Uniax / Triax" and i don't understand this distribution of angles.

Which effect has the wrong angle distribution on the EL-properties and the allowables?
Is there maybe another way to define a sandwich panel with three materials in the faces?

Best regards