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Author Topic: how to resize a single component by passing from DL to EL ?  (Read 35582 times)


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how to resize a single component by passing from DL to EL ?
« on: November 20, 2015, 03:46:36 AM »
during multi-component assembly optimization process by use of discrete laminates generated from previously defined effective laminates(positive margins for all components),negative margins may appear for some components after discrete laminates sizing application. when i try to isolate these components and start over with effective laminates selection and sizing HS blocks me by asking all components to be "converted" in effective laminates in order to proceed. is it normal? or there is a way to overcome this situation?

thank you


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Re: how to resize a single component by passing from DL to EL ?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2015, 08:42:02 AM »
Hi Eugenio,

 HyperSizer does not allow the user to jump backwards from DL to EL sizing and maintain generated DL's. Since sizing composites is on an assembly level, when trying to jump from DL to EL, you must perform EL sizing for the whole assembly. The only work around would be to create a separate assembly for that component but sequencing would not be performed between two separate assemblies.
