There is no automated feature for this. However, you could develop an automated process using the Object Model scripting capability (supported scripting languages: Python, Excel VBA, Matlab). There's a tutorial that uses a spreadsheet to push in different stiffener spacing values, then the HyperSizer optimizes the cross section and the spreadsheet extracts the optimized panel dimensions.
See: spreadsheet could be updated to set different laminates with varying ply angles. Here is some VBA code for setting the laminate to a component in HyperSizer..
CID=## ‘(replace with component number)
Lamnam=’Laminate Name’ (replace with actual laminate name)
‘ Get laminate ID
Set Lam = Lams.GetLaminate(lamnam)
Lid = Lam.MaterialId
‘ Get associated group object
Set Comp = Comps.GetComponent(CID)
GID = Comp.GroupId
Set Group = Groups.GetGroup(GID)
Set DLCol = Group.DiscreteLaminates
' Assign laminate to panel
Call DLCol.Add(vpdTopFace_ThicknessMaterial, LID)