I use HyperSizer and import an ANSYS model. 4 load cases are used (101-104, Attachment 1+2).
I define load-case dependent displacement constraints for loadcase 2 (=load set 102), 3 (=load set 103) and 4 (=load set 104) in HyperFEA (Attachment 3).
To consider these constraints I activate Stiffness Requirement, Membrane and Stiffness Requirement, Bending in the Failure Tab of the Project Sizing Window.
If I calculate the model in HyperFEA, the Project Sizing windows shows the load set number 101 for the minimum margin of safety for the stiffness requirement for some components (Attachment 4).
How is this possible? I did not define displacement constraints for load step (load case). What am I missing?
Thanks for a hint