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Author Topic: Optimizing Spar and Rib location as Assuming wing box as stiffened panel  (Read 26472 times)


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I'm trying to optimize number and location of spars and ribs.  It is painful to create numerous model and figure out which model is the best.

So I'm thinking, if I assume whole wing box as stiffened panel, let's say grid stiffened, then hypersizer could locate best rib position for me.  Is it gonna work?  I believe stiffened panel must be using plate equation, and 3-D wing box may not be suitable for this problem. If so, is there any simple way to optimizing inner structure location like spars and ribs?



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Re: Optimizing Spar and Rib location as Assuming wing box as stiffened panel
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2012, 02:00:41 PM »
I don't think using a grid stiffened concept to optimize the 90 degree rib spacing is a good approach.

I think a better approach is to use the Non-FEA project capability to optimize the stiffened panel concept with varying X-spans. Using this approach you can develop weight trends vs. rib spacing.

A similar approach was used for the Ares V Interstage structure.

For a more detailed explanation, see Section 2.1:
