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Author Topic: Difference among import options dialogue???  (Read 24022 times)


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Difference among import options dialogue???
« on: March 07, 2013, 03:16:11 AM »
Dear Everyone

When i try to import old database to new database. there are 3 different options which you can choose.

Original Analysis selections... New Analyses turned off Analysis selections in the imported projects will stay the same. Any new analyses that did not exist in the old database will be disabled in the new database.
Original Analysis selections... New Analyses set to default in current database Analysis selections in the imported projects will stay the same. Any new analyses that did not exist in the old database will be disabled and set to their default values in the new database.
All Analyses set to default... in current database Analysis selections in the imported projects will be overridden by the defaults in the current database.

i can't find what is difference between the first one and the second.

For Example:

The imported project in the old database, we set analysis failure items: 2  3  4  5  6;
the current database (new database), we set analysis failure items: 1 3 5 6 7 9

if i choose the third import option, the hypersizer will analysis(failure items) 1  3  5  6  7  9, instead of 2  3  4  5  6;

if i choose the first import option, the hypersizer will analysis (failure ites): 2 3  4 5  6, other items will be disabled.

if i choose the second options, the result is the same to the first option.

when i change the group membership under these two options, the new components analysis failure is the same, it  has nothing to do with import option(the first or second item?

What's the difference about these two import options?????

thanks in advance.


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Re: Difference among import options dialogue???
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 12:49:59 PM »
The first option disables any "new" analysis from the imported database. A "new" analysis is an analysis that is in the current (new) database but not in the old database.

The second option will enable any "new" analysis based on the database defaults (not the component).

For example, Puck strength criteria was added in V6.2. If you are importing a V6.1 project into V6.2 you can choose to disable Puck in the imported components by selecting the first option. If you want to use Puck have to 1) enable Puck as a database default in the current database and 2) select the 2nd option.
