I can understand that it would be desirable to keep the number of laminates created on import to a minimum, but it does not suit my application. The FEM I'm using is imported from a larger integrated FEM, and the PCOMP property regions are managed external to HyperSizer. Previously, I could tweak the individual PCOMPs assigned to the components and re-analyze the assembly. But now a single laminate can be assigned to multiple components, so that when the laminate changes, it affects all the components assigned to that laminate. It's unclear which laminates are assigned to which components, as the IDs don't match anymore.
I'm aware that this is not the intended use for the software, but I'm simply trying to post-process integrated FEM results and tweak the layups as required. I think an 'Import/Export' option that lets the user specify if PCOMPs are consolidated would be beneficial.