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Author Topic: Creat EL in the 1st step (1h), Note: assigned to the active assembly……but...  (Read 40881 times)


  • *
  • Posts: 42
Dear Everyone,
Composite form
in the 1st step,  When we click the "Generate"(1h), factly, all EL will be assigned to all the components of the group.but Note with blue style is to the active assembly......


Thanks in advanced for explaination.


  • Administrator
  • *****
  • Posts: 286
This is correct, all steps operate on the active sizing variable (Ex. top facesheet/skin) for all the components in the active assembly.

There is a very thorough help topic on the composites form.

The "What You Need to Know" topic describes the active sizing variable, active assembly and component relationship in more detail.