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Author Topic: Slow convergence/problems with Unstiffened/Sandwich Concepts with SI Units  (Read 22153 times)


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  • Posts: 218
    • HyperSizer Structural Sizing Software
Note:  This problem has been resolved in HyperSizer Version 5.8.11.

A problem was discovered with the HyperSizer export of Properties and Materials for sandwich or unstiffened panels when the user's FEM is in non-english units.

The problem was that HyperSizer was incorrectly exporting a large offset (ZOFFS) to the PCOMP card generated in the *.PM1 file.  This large offset causes the bending moment to become large on subsequent iterations, causing the panels to size incorrectly and also causing slow convergence between HyperSizer and FEA.

This problem only affects unstiffened or sandwich panels when the FEM model is in metric units.  Unstiffened panels are not affected.