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Author Topic: Laminate Form - Show % 0, %45 and %90 plies in the form  (Read 24606 times)


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Laminate Form - Show % 0, %45 and %90 plies in the form
« on: June 17, 2009, 02:51:17 PM »
When building our laminates a useful feature would be to add a box in the laminate form showing the  % 0, %45 and %90 plies as the user builds a laminate. Most engineers should be aware of these design parameters when building laminates.

Also, a hover button could show a help box explaining how Hypersizer calculates the percentage of plies. A 0 deg PW fabric is really 50% 0 deg plies and 50% 90 deg plies.
David Johnson
Hitech Global Solutions Inc


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Re: Laminate Form - Show % 0, %45 and %90 plies in the form
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2009, 08:12:56 AM »
What version of the software are you running?  Have you tried the new automated way for EL/DL generation located in the Composites Form?  This allows the user to specify ranges of percent ply orientation.  If you are interested I can send you some documentation on the subject.

I do agree showing the percentages would be nice when building the laminates individually and the fabric ply orientations are not very well documented, what about a description shown in blue at the bottom of the laminate and layup form.  Do you think that would be more helpful?


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  • Posts: 88
Re: Laminate Form - Show % 0, %45 and %90 plies in the form
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2009, 11:17:29 AM »
We need a description of some kind to describe how we calculate the percentage of plies in each direction for Both Tape and Fabric. Most users are not aware of the process when calculating the percentage of plies.