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Author Topic: Forces are Not Read Into Hypersizer  (Read 24643 times)


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  • Posts: 5
Forces are Not Read Into Hypersizer
« on: June 05, 2009, 09:31:19 AM »
We've been trying to import and run analysis on a large FEM.  The FEM is about 40MB in size and the ELS is about 2.4GB  We are using CBAR elements and specifically wanting to optimize those.  However, after importing the FEM and Forces, there is no design-to-load.  All the load cases imported correctly.  And we know there are loads in the elements from viewing the results in NEiNastran, but it appears that somewhere between NEiNastran export to ELS and import into HyperSizer the loads were lost.  We're wondering if you have any idea why.  We have tried reimporting the model, reimporting the loads etc.  Could it be because the file is too large?


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  • Posts: 88
Re: Forces are Not Read Into Hypersizer
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 09:33:29 PM »
Windows has a 2GB limit for text files. I suspect this could be the problem. A couple of possible solutions

1) Ensure you are only requesting F06 forces, remove stress, strain and displacement data by commenting out these requests in the Nastran control deck

2) If you model is this large it is unlikely that the user would need to analyze everything in one go. For example if we have a FEM for a aircraft, we may choose to analyze only a wing or vertical stabilizer.  Break your FEM model into components and use include files in the bulk data for each component. When importing the model $$ out the included components not required for importing  into Hypersizer. In theory F06 data could be created for only the component the user needs to analyze using commands in the control deck.