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Author Topic: Problem importing model because Laminate ID > 29999  (Read 23829 times)

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Problem importing model because Laminate ID > 29999
« on: February 24, 2009, 04:58:29 PM »
I am trying to import a bdf file into hypersizer and I get the following error message

"Laminates must be numbered 20000 through 29999"

The PCOMPS in our model have IDs starting at 50 000, can that be a problem for your software?


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Re: Problem importing model because Laminate ID > 29999
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 04:59:27 PM »
I believe this problem is related to your database having too many laminates.  Currently, each HyperSizer database has a limit of 10,000 laminates.  That sounds like a lot, however, everytime you import a new project, HyperSizer creates new laminates that correspond to the PCOMPs in your model.  So if you have hundreds of PCOMPs in your models and import several models and possibly do some reimports, I could see the number of laminates building up quickly. 

We have no restriction on the PCOMP ID (up to 8 digits), so I’m pretty sure that is not the problem.

My recommendation is to create a new database and then try importing your FEM into that new database and see if you still have this problem.

If you are still having the same problem, we might need to try that model here to diagnose.