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Author Topic: Laminate stacking sequence for sandwich panel  (Read 29065 times)


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Laminate stacking sequence for sandwich panel
« on: January 15, 2009, 06:37:50 PM »
I've have created a laminate of the following stacking:

 e.g. (Top)WF/UD/WF/WF/WF(Bottom) - where UD=Unidirectional, WF-woven Fabric

IF I wish to use the laminate for sandwich panel for top skin, do I have to create the bottom skin laminate of the following stacking:-

(Top) WF/WF/WF/UD/WF(Bottom)


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Re: Laminate stacking sequence for sandwich panel
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2009, 07:08:36 PM »
Yes, that is correct.  If your top face and bottom face laminates are unsymmetric (which yours are), then you must create a mirrored laminate (as you are proposing) for your bottom laminate.

If you were using symmetric laminates for the top and bottom facesheet, then you could just create the material one time and copy that material into both the top and bottom facesheet variables, or alternatively, you could use the "Link Top and Bottom Facesheet Materials" check box on the Concepts tab.

In your case,  however, it would be best if you created separate laminates for the top and bottom face as you proposed.