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Author Topic: What kind of graphics card is required?  (Read 26953 times)

HyperSizer Moderator

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What kind of graphics card is required?
« on: May 05, 2008, 02:55:49 PM »
The minimum required resolution setting to fit the HyperSizer GUI onto the desktop is 1024x768 pixels (with small fonts) but we recommend 1280x1024 with large fonts. With resolutions less than 1024x768, the user must scroll to see some of the forms fully. In addition, high color (more than 256 colors) is recommended for viewing the imbedded graphics.

The new improved HyperSizer graphics (September 2002) will perform much better running in hardware mode with a typical, recently purchased graphics card. Whether new or old, the graphics card must support the functionality of Microsoft DirectX Version 8.1.

In some cases, especially with older graphics cards, the graphics card drivers that were originally installed with your PC may not support DirectX 8.1. For example, when trying to view the graphics, you may get the message, “Can't find a compatible DirectX 3D depth buffer”. Problems such as these will most likely be corrected by downloading and installing the latest graphics drivers from your graphics card manufacturer.