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Author Topic: Open Beam Family Orientation?  (Read 26182 times)


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Open Beam Family Orientation?
« on: October 06, 2008, 08:47:09 AM »
When working with a project tied to an F06 file (and/or HyperFEA), what is the orientation for the open beam family analysis?

I assumed that the vector definition for CBAR/CBEAM sets the orientation for those elements in HyperSizer.  Is this correct?

What about CROD elements?  The FEM does not have an orientation given to these as far as I know.

Hope this is clear enough.  IF not, I can attempt to explain better.



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Re: Open Beam Family Orientation?
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2008, 09:44:17 AM »
The CBAR orientation vector defined in the FEM corresponds to beam orientation in HyperSizer.  See the discussion in the HyperSizer Pro manual.  Search for the keywords, "finite element coupling reference".  There is a detailed discussion for how the FEA beam orientation relates to the HyperSizer beam orientation.

I do not believe CROD elements have any orientation at all and the loads that are returned from CROD elements are limited to torsion and axial loads.  Therefore, I believe the orientation of the open beam elements are irrelevant in this case.  These beams will be sized by axial loads and torsion alone and will write out PROD properties (instead of PBAR) to the *.PM1 which do not have a directionality.

Let me know if this answers your question.