Hey Guys,
I have a problem with the ImportFEM function in VBA.
I've set the rundeck FEM & FEA Filename to existing NASTRAN .bdf & .op2 and saved the project and used the ImportFEM function. The model is imported correctly, the Load sets are available, but the load cases are not imported.
If I perform a manual import, all data is there. Due you have any clue what's the error?
This is the code I used:
Set oProject = oHs.Projects.Item(ProjectName)
oProject.Rundecks.Item(1).FilenameFEM = "D:\HyperSizer Data\Projects\Bach\Test_Batch\dummy.bdf"
oProject.Rundecks.Item(1).FilenameFEA = "D:\HyperSizer Data\Projects\Bach\Test_Batch\dummy.op2"
Call oProject.Save
Call oProject.ImportFEM
Thanks, Tobias