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Author Topic: Laminate Failure Theory Analysis - Applied Strain Calculation  (Read 33999 times)


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  • Posts: 42
In the stress report  the applied load lb/in is shown and the  applied strain is shown for reference.

For the laminate failure theory stress reports could Collier show the analysis to derive the applied strain. We have Et, Ec and ED (Average modulus). Showing sigma = P/A  and E = stress / strain is. simple, the user needs to be aware of the Modulus assumption  used in the derivation of the applied strain. Thanks
« Last Edit: June 13, 2009, 09:38:32 AM by Rocketman007 »
David Johnson
Hitech Global Solutions Inc


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  • Posts: 88
Re: Laminate Failure Theory Analysis - Applied Strain Calculation
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 09:40:01 AM »
Collier will include the stiffness assumptions used to derive he laminate applied strain in a future revision of Hypersizer