I have recently been investigating the Assembly Project Manager and how it could be implemented within our processes.
My initial database has a file size in the order of 500,000kb.
If i create a set of 5 assembly projects at a major assembly level (front/rear fuse, wing etc.) i get databases that are the same size as the original (500,000kb) and therefore 5 x 500Mb = 2.5Gb of disk space used.
If use the button Add Project per Assembly in the Assembly Project Manager and i have 40 assemblies the total disk spce that i have used is 20Gb.
Looking at the 5 new assembly projects that i created at the major assembly level, if I go into each database and compact them, I reduce the total disk space to 183Mb.
Is this the only way to ensure that the minimum space is taken on the disk, by compacting individual databases or is there a toggle/backdoor switch that compacts a database automatically as it is being created?
Also when compacting a database what is being compacted/removed? Is it all the designs that haven't met the defined criteria being removed? What would you say is the correct practice for compacting a database? After each run? Over a certain size? Or ....
Sorry if there are too many questions in one post