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Author Topic: Reporting Cap Thickness (Tcap) using Spreadsheet Utility  (Read 18703 times)


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Reporting Cap Thickness (Tcap) using Spreadsheet Utility
« on: February 27, 2018, 01:02:20 PM »

We are trying to report the tcap for a Cap Beam concept using the spreadsheet utility but none of the keywords appear to work. I've also tried all the KeywordIds from 100 to 123 and also tried up to 140 by creating some dummy keywords, but can only get 109 to work, which is top flange width. It should be keyword tt, or KeywordId=111, which is top flange thickness.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 01:16:45 PM by Ruben »


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Re: Reporting Cap Thickness (Tcap) using Spreadsheet Utility
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2018, 04:05:42 PM »
Hi Ruben,

The cap beam thickness is stored as the "vpdCap_ThicknessMaterial" variable.

A quick fix for the spreadsheet is to reference the KeywordId.BottomFlangeThickness to the vpdCap_ThicknessMaterial variable. See case statement below.

In the "GetVariableId" function...

  Case KeywordId.BottomFlangeThickness
            If objGroup.Family = bpfCorrugatedStiffenedPanelFamily Or _
               objGroup.Family = bpfUniaxialStiffenedPanelFamily Or _
               objGroup.Family = bpfOpenBeamFamily Then
                enmVariableId = vpdCap_ThicknessMaterial

I hope this is helpful.



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  • Posts: 40
Re: Reporting Cap Thickness (Tcap) using Spreadsheet Utility
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2018, 03:58:55 AM »
Thanks, that worked. Will that be updated in the next version of the spreadsheet utility?