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What about using the laminate strain allowables?
I am looking to optimize a laminate within a non-fea project, based on a single criteria. I wish the peak strain in the global laminate X direction to be less than a specified value. How can I go about doing this? I tried to add a value to the strain X field of the properties tab within the sizing form, but it does not appear to impact the sizing in any way. I cannot seem to get the "strain limit" failure analyses on the failure tab to impact the sizing either. Any advice?
Material Database / Re: Importing material properties from a FEM in HZ 5.8.11
« Last post by James on May 02, 2023, 09:04:31 AM »
You cannot import material data from FEM (.bdf/.dat) in v5.8. However, you can import the FEM and have it automatically setup the laminates, plate thicknesses and bar sections if you sync-up the FEM material IDs before importing. However, that requires you to manually define the materials prior to importing the FEM.

I recently gained access to an older version of hypersizer (5.8.11), and I am struggling to identify a way to import material properties from my FEM. Does that functionality exist in this version of hypersizer, or am I only able to import materials from other hypersizer databases?

I’m currently trying to size a single sided Orthogrid panel which has been discretely modelled with BAR and QUADS.  I’m using a ‘One stack unstiffened’ concept for the plate and a ‘Web Beam’ concept for the stiffener.  At this moment in time I’m not using Stringer Segments, as I believe the preferred process is to size a panel using Plates and Bars first, and then use Stringer Segments as a final check as this is a quicker way of doing things.

The issues that I’m having relates to defining the BAR ‘reference plane’ and how this calculates the Offset within the BAR element when it updates the FEM.  At this moment I’m trying to size a single sided machined stiffened panel, hence as the elements are modelled on the plate centroid then I’m using either the ‘Top’ or ‘Bottom’ reference plane, depending on which side I’m offsetting the stiffeners.  The first issue is that the ‘Top’ reference plane does not seem to change the BAR offset during the HyperFEA loops, whereas the ‘Bottom’ reference plane does.  Is there a reason why I can only Offset the BAR in one direction? 

The next issue is regarding to the BAR Offsets during the HyperFEA process, as it looks like the full stiffener height is being used as the BAR offset instead of using ½ the stiffener height during the FEM update.  This would produce an incorrect panel stiffness/frequency and therefore an incorrect load redistribution.  Is there a reason why the BAR offsets are set to the full height of the stiffener and is there a setting to correct this?  This does not seem to happen when using stringer segment.

Firstly, it is important to ensure that the model has been set up correctly with the appropriate reference planes and coordinate systems. If the reference planes are not set up correctly, this could cause issues with the offsets and other calculations.
Project Applications / Re: how to realize wing tip optimization ?
« Last post by AnnPark on March 31, 2023, 04:26:47 AM »

how to  realize wing tip optimization ? I mean to optimize the global stiffness of wing by limiting wing tip deflection and twist, and to make the wing spanwise distortion smooth.

by using Object Model? if how?

I know wing tip displacement limits can be given when running hyperFEA, but I am not sure whether the spanwise distortion is smooth.
In summary, wing tip optimization can be achieved by using an optimization algorithm that searches for the best wing design while taking into account factors such as global stiffness, wing tip deflection, twist, and spanwise distortion. An object model can be used to represent the wing in 3D space and calculate its deformation under different loading conditions. HyperFEA can be used for finite element analysis and setting limits on wing tip displacement, but it may not directly optimize for smooth spanwise distortion. Multi-objective optimization algorithms can be used to simultaneously optimize for multiple objectives and achieve the best possible wing design for your application.

Miscellaneous Software Topics / Re: Database Upgrade Error
« Last post by dana.frye on December 08, 2022, 03:02:06 AM »
Hey Charli,

Any luck regarding the subject of this thread?

Miscellaneous Software Topics / Re: Database Upgrade Error
« Last post by dana.frye on August 11, 2022, 10:27:05 AM »
Hey there, no problem. Version 8.0.54
Miscellaneous Software Topics / Re: Database Upgrade Error
« Last post by on August 04, 2022, 01:28:33 PM »
Hi Dana,

Can you tell me what version of HyperSizer you are trying to upgrade to? I'll check to see if there are any known issues between the two versions. Then we can go from there!

- Charli
Miscellaneous Software Topics / Database Upgrade Error
« Last post by dana.frye on August 04, 2022, 05:22:21 AM »

I am attempting to open a .hdb generated using an older version of hypersizer (7.3). However when  I try to upgrade when prompted, I get the error shown below. There doesn't appear to be an option to not upgrade, so I'm stuck. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
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