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Author Topic: Any known issues with MAT2 cards?  (Read 30548 times)


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Any known issues with MAT2 cards?
« on: September 18, 2008, 01:14:44 PM »
Are there any known issues with HyperFEA and existing MAT2 cards?

I was working with a model that has MAT1, MAT2, MAT8 and MAT9 cards in it.  The model as is runs in NASTRAN OK.  The elements that have the MAT8 cards associated with them are not going to be analyzed in HyperSizer.  When I Pre-Process the FEM in HyperFEA, these MAT2 cards were not written to the *_UA.PM1 file (this was discovered after HyperFEA tried to run NASTRAN, which gave a fatal error).

Because these were unassigned material properties, I figured they would not be changing (thinking that HyperFEA uses the same _UA files with each iteration), so I manually added the missing MAT2 cards to the *_UA.PM1 file.

Are there any known issues with this, or is it something that I have caused myself?




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Re: Any known issues with MAT2 cards?
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2008, 05:31:18 PM »
This is not a known issue, it is something we will need to look at.  What you are saying is that for some reason, the MAT2 cards were not put in the _UA.pm1 file, right?   Were they put in the _i00.pm1 file?  What about the PSHELLs that referenced these MAT2 cards?  Were they put in the proper place?


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Re: Any known issues with MAT2 cards?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 08:41:53 AM »
Correct, the PSHELL cards seemed like they were located correctly.  After HyperFEA pre-processed the FEM, and created all of the files that it uses, I manually attempted to run the *_i00.bdf file, which created a fatal error in NASTRAN.  Then, I went to the *_UA.PM1 file and added the missing MAT2 definitions, and the bdf file ran successfully (and HyperFEA successfully ran through all of the iterations that I was asking it to do).

I don't know if it matters or not, but the specific information that I had on the PSHELL/MAT2 was set up so the PSHELL had one MAT2 for the MID1 field (membrane) and a different MAT2 for the MID2 field (bending).  Each of the PSHELLS (my model had 15 like this) referenced a different 2 different MAT2 definitions, so there were a total of 30 MAT2 definitions that were omitted from the *_UA.PM1 file.