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Author Topic: FE Load doesn't seem to be imported into Hypersizer.  (Read 30811 times)


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FE Load doesn't seem to be imported into Hypersizer.
« on: September 05, 2008, 03:36:35 AM »
Please refer to the captured images to this post.
1st one is the image of FE model that I'm trying to test for Hypersizer use.
It has compressive load on the right panel of the box
(-1000 N on every node of the panel).
But in the 2nd and last attachments, Hypersizer notifies that load case
is imported in setup form but it doesn't seem to apply any load when
I analyze a component with imported FEA load.
(MOS is N/A of course because there is no load in the run.)

It works when I switch the load from FEA to User load(say -10 N/mm in Nx).
I really wonder what the problem could be.

My appreciation to anyone who posts any reply to this message.


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Re: FE Load doesn't seem to be imported into Hypersizer.
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 10:13:44 AM »
Hi iankim,

My first instinct is that "element forces" are not turned on in the FEA output.  In the case control of the finite element model, make sure you have either



"FORCE(PRINT) = ALL" so that NASTRAN creates element forces in the F06 file.

You can check to see if element forces are being created by opening the F06 file in Notepad and checking for the line:

F O R C E S   I N   Q U A D R I L A T E R A L   E L E M E N T S

If this line doesn't exist in the F06 file, then element forces were not turned on, so please turn them on and re-run the finite element model.

One thing that concerns me when looking at the screen snapshot of HyperSizer is that the buckling lengths (a and b) appear to be very high.  It looks like the "a (X length)" value is over 17,000.  I assume this is millimeters.  I wonder if the value is this high because the FEM import units were incorrect when the model was imported.  HyperSizer assumes that the FEM is in english units (inches, lb) unless directed otherwise. 

So, for example, if your model is in millimeters, and you have a length of 670 mm (26.4 in) , if the import units are not set correctly, HyperSizer would import it and think it was 670 in or 17018 mm.

Check the FEM import units on the Setup Form under Import/Export Options.  If the import units are incorrect, you will need to unimport your model, change the units, and then Import again from scratch.

Please let me know if this helps.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 10:17:59 AM by Phil »