Software Use > Analyzing & Optimizing Composite Layups

Laminate Optimization Based on Max Laminate Strain


I am looking to optimize a laminate within a non-fea project, based on a single criteria. I wish the peak strain in the global laminate X direction to be less than a specified value. How can I go about doing this? I tried to add a value to the strain X field of the properties tab within the sizing form, but it does not appear to impact the sizing in any way. I cannot seem to get the "strain limit" failure analyses on the failure tab to impact the sizing either. Any advice?

What about using the laminate strain allowables?

Can you elaborate on how to go about doing that? Do you mean modifying the material laminate allowables in the material (Strain: Compression Open Hole for example) to the target strain, then toggling on composite strength, laminate, compression, open hole failure analyses for example?

Exactly. Use the laminate strain analysis method to implement a strain cut-off.
There's an example within the HME document.,_Composite,_Laminate-Based.HME.pdf



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