Software Use > Scripting

Add Orthotropic Laminate Allowables using VBA Scripting


I would like to import laminate property allowables into Hypersizer using excel similar to the material importation for lamina property allowables. Is there a method to adding a laminate property allowables to an orthotropic material using the VBA scripting API? For reference, I am using the v7.2 VBA library and am using Hypersizer 8.0.54.

The method I need is referred to on the help documents, Scripting > Tutorials > Programming > Material Data Import; however, this method uses the python scripting API and possibly a newer version of the API.


We do not support import of laminate allowables via the VBA scripting API. We do however support import / export / editing of materials via the newer materials scripting API that you found already in the help system. Note that although the examples provided are written in Python, this material scripting API can be used from other languages such C# and F#. Unfortunately there is no official way at this time to interact with this API via VBA/Excel.

This newer scripting API is available in versions of HyperSizer 7.3.57 and newer.



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