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Author Topic: according to what hypersizer decides which failure analysis method to be used ?  (Read 55946 times)


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  • Posts: 8
I wonder because even for same fem projects i sometimes come up with different failure analysis methods in failure tab in sizing form


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The default set of analysis criteria that are active are determined by the template database selected when creating a new database ( Additionally, criteria that are available are based on the material system used (composite vs. metallic) as well as the panel concept (unstiffened, sandwich, I-bonded, orthogrid, etc.).

Users can change the criteria that they would like to be used for analysis and sizing on the failure tab. Our recommended best practice for consistency among engineers in a group is to set up a template database for your organization that includes which criteria should be active by default. You can also include things like limit and ultimate factors, custom materials, and knockdown factors.



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  • Posts: 8
thank you :)


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  • Posts: 8
and i also have another question :

in HyperSizer > Preferences > Analysis Defaults some active failure modes are not being executed during sizing process how can i solve this ?


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  • Posts: 8
and one more :
Do you know an easy way to export Assembly/Display Set/Component Data ( for each ones existing in the database ) ?

Lets assume i prepared a project in a database, but i want to change the database without changing the assemblies/display sets that i created


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  • Posts: 70

The criteria that are in the Analysis Defaults form only affect what criteria are active for new projects created after those settings are changed; they do not affect existing components. To change which criteria should be used when sizing and analyzing an existing component, toggle them on and off in the Failure tab of the sizing form.

You can use our Excel Utility Spreadsheet to import / export assembly and display set membership to Excel (which can then be imported into a new project later). You can also use this to push in and out component data such as dimensions, material selections, etc. For more information, see our help topic (



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  • Posts: 8