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Author Topic: Issue Running WaffleGrid and OrthoGrid Concepts on Same Component  (Read 38937 times)


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Issue Running WaffleGrid and OrthoGrid Concepts on Same Component
« on: September 14, 2020, 10:07:18 AM »

I'm trying to run a few different grid stiffened concepts on the same components to see what comes out as the best option. I can't seem to get a sizing run without error if the WaffleGrid and OrthoGrid concepts are both selected. The sizing run completes fine with just the WaffleGrid or just the OrthoGrid, or even Ortho + Iso or Waffle + Iso. Ideally I'd like Waffle, Ortho, & Iso concepts to all be selected for a sizing run. What do I need to update?

The error I get is pasted below:

Failed Cross Sections Report

The following components were not analyzed because no cross-sections could be generated. The most likely cause is incompatible dimensions. For example, the specified stringer flange width may be greater than the stringer spacing or the specified skin thickness may be greater than overall panel height.


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Re: Issue Running WaffleGrid and OrthoGrid Concepts on Same Component
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2020, 08:45:14 AM »
Hi Matthew,

Could you provide screenshots of the dimensions tab for your orthogrid and wafflegrid sizing runs? And can you please tell me what version of HyperSizer you're using?



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Re: Issue Running WaffleGrid and OrthoGrid Concepts on Same Component
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2020, 09:20:38 AM »

I've attached a screenshot of the sizing form for both the ortho and waffle grid concepts. The odd thing is that they both will run fine independently, but when both are selected it has a problem.

I'm using HyperSizer Pro v8.0


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Re: Issue Running WaffleGrid and OrthoGrid Concepts on Same Component
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2020, 09:55:07 AM »
Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the info! I was able to reproduce your issue on my end, but unfortunately I don't have an immediate solution. This appears to be something that would require a software change to correct.

In the meantime, the best workaround may be to execute the project twice: once with orthogrid / isogrid trade, and once for wafflegrid on its own, extract the results and determine which components optimize to which concept and what their respective weights and dimensions are. This would probably be made easier by using the utility spreadsheet.

Sorry I don't have a quicker fix!
