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Author Topic: Error Message - Set Variables for component/Assembly, number of laminates  (Read 46179 times)


  • Client
  • **
  • Posts: 16
I have just passed my job through Hyper FEA for 5 loops and I have received some Low RF's.

So I have decided to up the number of laminates from 20 to 100 so that it has more options of laminate rather than increasing the thickness.  I have done this successfully on a number of assemblies but then I have received the following error message

Application Error in mod DLGeneration::SaveLaminate [Function]() Line #118, Error, #3316, Laminates must be numbered 20000 through 29999

How can I control the numbering of laminates or is this done internally?
Is there any way of working around the problem?

Many Thanks
