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Author Topic: Reading Initial Temperature from NASTRAN deck  (Read 38596 times)


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Reading Initial Temperature from NASTRAN deck
« on: November 29, 2018, 06:56:56 AM »

I'm trying to set the initial temperature in HyperSizer from the NASTRAN deck on import so that a mechanical analysis is performed using material properties at that temperature to see the effects of elevated temperature, not a thermal analysis. I thought I just needed a TEMP(INIT) = 1 in the Case Control, then a TEMPD,1,100. to set the Temperature in the Load Sets tab to 100., however it just defaults to 22.22222. How do I get HyperSizer to read the temperature for material properties from the NASTRAN deck?



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Re: Reading Initial Temperature from NASTRAN deck
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2018, 09:56:51 AM »
Hi Ruben,

The reference temperatures defined on the load sets are not imported from the FEM. These values are specified by the user.

In order for HyperSizer to import the applied and initial temperature(s) defined in the FEM, the reference temperatures assigned to the HyperSizer loads sets needs to be set at room temperature (22.22222 Celsius). If there are no thermal subcases defined in the FEM, HyperSizer will not import an initial temperature "TEMPD".

Also, when more than one thermal subcase is defined in a rundeck, HyperSizer will not read the initial or applied temperatures in the FEM. Therefore, it is best practice to create unique rundecks for each thermal subcase. This way, the unique thermal case temperature dependent material properties can be updated to each FEM.

When you only need to define a single reference temperature per subcase, I recommend to modify these values for each load set in HyperSizer spreadsheet.

Hope this helps!
