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Author Topic: Can I export smeared orthogrid panel properties from Hypersizer into ANSYS  (Read 39784 times)


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I want to export an optimized orthogrid panel design's smeared panel properties from a non-FEA project into an ANSYS Workbench shell model but I can't seem to find any instructions or discussion in the forum or help guides. I have seen it done from Hypersizer to NASTRAN. How do I perform the same task with ANSYS Workbench, if it is even possible to do so?


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Unfortunately there is probably not a very automated way to accomplish this with ANSYS to the best of my knowledge. With Abaqus and NASTRAN it is simpler, as users can run HyperFEMGen and extract the properties that are written out. We do not currently support ANSYS with HyperFEMGen.

We do expose all the computed properties (full ABD matrix) of each component to users on the properties tab of the sizing form. You could potentially convert this information into the format that ANSYS expects before importing.

If you have many components that you wish to bring into ANSYS, these properties are exposed to the scripting API as well, so you could write a script to automatically extract and reformat the ABD properties into something ANSYS-friendly.


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  • Posts: 4
Thanks for the information. Very helpful even if not exactly what I was hoping to hear.  :)