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Author Topic: Sizing in Background  (Read 28794 times)


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Sizing in Background
« on: August 01, 2018, 08:07:37 AM »
is it possible to run a single sizing in background, i.e. in a separate window? HyperSizer is not usable during the "Analyze/Size"-Process started from the project window, and this sometimes takes an hour.
Using HyperFEA, it opens a separate window, but a single sizing is no option there: either sizing/UpdateFEM/sizing or UpdateFEM/sizing (which of course requires a sizing before).
I need the results after the first sizing, for the original FEM.
If not, I suggest to implement this in the next version.


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Re: Sizing in Background
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2018, 10:41:16 AM »
Hi Jan,

One way to view the project is to open another instance of HyperSizer while the "Analyze/Size" process is running. However, we do not recommend doing this because any changes saved to the project during the "Analyze/Size" process can result in database errors.

Being diligent to only operate in a view only mode while the HyperSizer analysis process is running should not cause issues. What we mean by "view only mode" includes plotting dimensions, analysis results and reviewing sizing form inputs. Another important note is to close the second database before the "analyze/size" process is finished.

Thanks for the feedback.



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Re: Sizing in Background
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2018, 03:09:30 AM »
viewing-only should be enough in most of the cases, thanks!